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The neck and chin region are very powerful in projecting the appearance of weight change and aging. The neck is one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging. Additionally, even a slight double chin or excess fat in the neck can cause a person to appear significantly heavier than he or she truly is. For patients who desire to slim the appearance of their neck, eliminate the look of a ‘double chin,’ and sharpen the contour of their jawline, Chin and Neck Liposuction with Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Lawrence Tong can yield exceptional results with minimal recovery time.
Although the term Chin and Neck liposuction is used to describe the procedure, it is not entirely accurate. The actual area of liposuction is technically under the chin (i.e. the submental region) and neck, and there is no actual liposuction of the chin itself. The term has been popularized to the point where it is now understood that it means liposuction under the chin (the submental area).
How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon For You
Goals and Benefits of Chin and Neck Liposuction
Chin and Neck Liposuction with Toronto Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Lawrence Tong is an ideal procedure for many patients who are troubled by excess fat in the neck area. By removing excess fatty tissue from the chin and neck, patients can achieve dramatic results such as:
- Elimination of a ‘double chin’
- A sharper transition at the angle under the chin where it meets the neck
- Enhanced definition between the jawline and neck
Additional benefits that make Chin and Neck Liposuction especially appealing to many of Dr. Tong’s patients include:
- Minimally invasive
- Relatively low cost
- Short and easy recovery
- Potentially dramatic results
Candidates for Chin and Neck Liposuction
Chin and Neck Liposuction makes it possible for patients who are good candidates to achieve a neck that appears more slender and youthful in addition to improved chin and jawline contours. Ideally, this procedure is best suited for patients who have excess subcutaneous fat in the neck area and good skin elasticity.
In general, the best candidates for Chin and Neck Liposuction:
- Are between the ages of 30-60
- Suffer from excess fat in the neck and chin
- Have good skin tone (not loose)
It is important to note that Chin and Neck Liposuction addresses excess fat in the neck area, but is not a suitable treatment for loose excess skin. In fact, liposuction alone may contribute to the appearance of a saggy neck in patients who have poor skin elasticity in the area. For patients troubled by loose, excess neck skin, muscle banding, or other cosmetic concerns like a “turkey neck” that are caused by a loss of skin elasticity, Dr. Tong may recommend a Neck Lift or one of its variations (Extended Neck lift or Facelift). Patients who have good skin tone but are troubled by excess fat under the skin in addition to excess subplatysmal fat or neck bands may benefit from a Mini Neck Lift.
Occasionally, patients will also want the jowls along the anterior jawline to be addressed in conjunction with Chin and Neck Liposuction. If it is a simple matter of excess fat in the jowl region, a procedure known as microliposuction may be done at the same time. Microliposuction is similar to regular liposuction but the cannulas (fat removal instruments) are much smaller. Any liposuction in the face (i.e. areas at or above the jawline) must be selected carefully and performed using these small cannulas or else there is a significant risk of contour issues. In patients with jowls that are also caused by lax or sagging skin, a different surgical approach may be required.
During your consultation, Dr. Tong will examine your anatomy and listen to your concerns so that he can develop the right treatment plan for your unique needs.
Chin and Neck Liposuction Incisions
Any surgical procedure will leave some type of scar. However, a highly-skilled Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Tong specializes in minimizing the appearance of scars through technical expertise and careful placement of incisions. The incision for Chin and Neck Liposuction is 2 mm long located in the ‘double chin’ fold. It heals to be virtually undetectable in the majority of cases.
Details of the Chin and Neck Liposuction Procedure
Dr. Tong performs Chin and Neck Liposuction in our private CPSO-accredited surgical centre. This facial plastic surgery procedure can be performed under general anesthesia or more commonly under IV sedation, on an outpatient basis. Select patients may have this procedure performed solely under local anesthetic.
To begin Chin and Neck Liposuction, Dr. Tong infuses the neck and chin region with a partially diluted local anesthetic mixture. This fluid helps to facilitate fat removal and also minimizes bleeding and post-operative discomfort.
Next, Dr. Tong removes excess fat by inserting a small cannula into a tiny 2mm incision made in the natural crease under the chin. Using the cannula, Dr. Tong is careful to remove a uniform degree of fat thickness and gently sculpt the area to achieve contouring that looks natural. Once Dr. Tong is satisfied with the results, he closes the incision using a small piece of surgical tape. The incision is so small stitches are generally not required. The patient is then gently awakened from anesthesia.
Recovery after Chin and Neck Liposuction
After Chin and Neck Liposuction at our Toronto surgery centre, patients are monitored by nursing staff as they awaken from anesthesia in a dedicated recovery area. Shortly thereafter, patients are able to return home accompanied by a friend or family member.
Upon returning home, patients are encouraged to rest and relax as much as possible by engaging in non-strenuous activities such as watching television, reading, sleeping, or listening to music. Following Chin and Neck Liposuction, it is important to keep the head elevated while resting and sleeping, as this helps decrease swelling and shortens recovery time.
Patients can expect to experience mild discomfort following Chin and Neck Liposuction. This generally only lasts for 3 days or less and is easily managed with pain medication prescribed by Dr. Tong. Bruising may be evident for the first week following the procedure, during which time patients are encouraged to wear the removable compression dressing provided by Dr. Tong as much as possible.
One week after Chin and Neck Liposuction, patients attend a follow-up appointment with Dr. Tong to have their progress evaluated and stitches removed.
Most patients are able to return to non-strenuous work 3-5 days after their procedure, and can begin exercise after 1 week. This is unique in that most surgical procedures require avoidance of strenuous activity for 4 weeks following surgery.
Additional follow-up visits with Dr. Tong are scheduled for 6 weeks and 6 months after Chin and Neck Liposuction. Post-operative photos will be taken during these visits to document a patient’s progress.
Frequently Asked Questions About Chin and Neck Liposuction
How much does chin and neck liposuction cost?
The cost of treatment depends on a number of factors, including the patient’s aesthetic goals and the areas treated. When you attend your consultation with Dr. Tong, you will be given a detailed cost breakdown for your customized treatment plan.
Does chin and neck liposuction correct all signs of aging?
Chin and neck liposuction eliminates fat from the chin and neck, but does not treat other signs of aging like vertical bands, wrinkles in the neck, or excess skin. If these are concerns for you, you may be a good candidate for a facelift, mini neck lift or neck lift.
Are results from chin and neck liposuction permanent?
The results from chin and neck liposuction are permanent, but cannot stop the aging process. Additionally, if a patient gains weight after chin and neck liposuction, the results may be diminished.
When will I see the results of my chin and neck liposuction?
Most of Dr. Tong’s patients begin to see results immediately after surgery, but as the swelling subsides, patients will see continued improvement after their procedure for the first several weeks.
Learn More About Chin and Neck Liposuction in Toronto
Dr. Tong and our team are passionate advocates for patient education, believing it’s the cornerstone of making empowered decisions regarding plastic surgery. It’s our conviction that a thorough understanding of the benefits and potential challenges of any chosen procedure is crucial. When you meet with Dr. Tong, he will engage in a detailed dialogue about your goals and concerns, conducting a comprehensive assessment to develop a personalized treatment plan that will best achieve your desired aesthetic outcomes.
If you are interested in Chin and Neck Liposuction, contact Dr. Tong to schedule a private consultation at his offices in Toronto. Feel free to call us at 647-370-6763 or complete this contact form and we will reply in the next 24 hours. No physician’s referral is required.
See Dr. Tong’s work in our Chin and Neck Liposuction before and after photos.
1 Matarasso A. Managing the components of the aging neck. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2014;41(1)L85-98. doi:10.1016/j.cos.2013.09.013. Accessed April 27, 2020.
2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Liposuction. Available: Accessed April 27, 2020.
Chin and Neck Liposuction at a Glance
- Overly defatted neck (skeletonized appearance)
- Performing Neck Liposuction when a Neck Lift is needed
Dr. Lawrence Tong has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.