Brazilian Butt Lift in Toronto
Are you unhappy with the appearance of your backside? Do you wish for a shapelier buttock instead a flat or shapeless behind? One option to consider is a Brazilian Butt Lift. A Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure that aims to increase the size and improve the shape of the buttock by taking unwanted fat from one location on your body, and transferring it to the deficient area(s) in the buttocks.
At his practice in Toronto, Dr. Lawrence Tong specializes in performing Brazilian Butt Lifts that are fully customized to meet each patient’s unique cosmetic goals.
The Aesthetically Ideal Buttock
There are differing aesthetic ideals that reflect ethnic and cultural preferences. In general, the ideal buttock region should be smooth and gently rounded with maximal projection at the midpoint of the buttock. There should be no sagging. The width should be in proportion with the hips and waistline. Where the buttock joins the posterior thigh, there should be a gentle transition, not a deep crease.
Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian Butt Lift enhances buttock projection and improves the shape of your buttocks. It is accomplished by removing fat from unwanted areas on your body (for example the love handles), and placing it in the areas of the buttock requiring enhancement. The name Brazilian Butt Lift is somewhat of a misnomer because the lift is indirect, mostly as a result of increasing the buttock volume.1
In undergoing the procedure, you actually have the benefit of two procedures:
- An area of Liposuction
- An enhancement of the Buttocks
The transferred fat behaves just like your natural fat; if you gain weight, your buttocks will become fuller, and if you lose weight, your buttocks may become smaller.
Who is a candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Patients should be healthy and relatively fit. Patients who are very thin, or significantly obese, are not good candidates. Thin patients must have enough fat to be harvested and transferred to make a meaningful improvement. Conversely, obese patients may not see a noticeable difference due to the limitations of the technique despite an abundance of available fat. Dr. Tong will make an accurate assessment to determine if you are a suitable candidate.
How to Choose the Best Plastic Surgeon For You
The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure
The Brazilian Butt Lift is an outpatient procedure. Dr. Tong performs your procedure within the CPSO accredited surgical facility at 7 St. Thomas Street, located within Dr. Tong’s offices. You will be under general anesthesia and completely unaware of your surroundings during the surgery.
The procedure starts with Liposuction of the harvest area(s). Fat is Liposuctioned and collected in a sterile fashion. Once the fat has been taken, it is processed (washed and strained), and placed into smaller syringes. A special blunt tipped fat transfer cannula is used to re-inject the purified fat into the area(s) of concern. The process follows the same principles of micro fat grafting; very small amounts are placed in multiple layers and planes to ensure maximum survival of the fat cells. The fat is placed only in the subcutaneous plane (where the buttock fat naturally resides under the skin), never into the muscle. Injection into the muscle is not performed as it has the potential for causing serious complications. An average buttock side may take between 200- 600 cc’s of fat transfer for augmentation. Depending on the patient’s size and desired results, more or less fat may be injected. There are many factors that influence the viability (survival) of the transferred fat. An important concept to recognize is that there is an optimal amount of fat volume that may be transferred at any one procedure. Exceeding the volume may actually have detrimental effects on the result, therefore ‘more’ is not always better.
Recovery from Brazilian Butt Lift
Once the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is complete, our staff takes you to the post-anesthetic recovery area. There, our nurses monitor you as the effects of anesthetic wear off. After that, Dr. Tong allows you to go home accompanied by a family member or friend.
Recovery from Butt Augmentation at Home
At home, we advise you to take it easy. You should not sit directly on the augmented areas. Sitting on the grafted areas may result in resorption (melting away) of the transferred fat. Fortunately, most patients are able to sit leaning forward slightly, without harming the grafted areas. When sleeping, you should lie on your sides or stomach. Do not sit on hard surfaces such as a wooden bench, or other firm surfaces. The buttocks will be swollen, bruised, and firm following surgery. Over the first 6 weeks, the swelling gradually goes away.2
Post-op Visits after Butt Augmentation
You will see Dr. Tong at one week, 6 weeks, and 6 months after surgery for follow-up after your Brazilian Butt Lift. Photographs are taken at these visits to document your progress. They are not used for any other purpose without your written consent.
Your Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation
During your buttock augmentation consultation, Dr. Tong will provide the information needed to make an educated decision. He will make certain that you are informed about your options, and that all your questions are answered. You will have the opportunity to view photographs of many examples of his work. It is our goal to make you an educated patient. We feel that a better-educated patient will make better decisions about their surgery, and their surgeon.
To learn more about how Toronto Buttock Augmentation surgeon, Dr. Lawrence Tong can help you, set up a Brazilian Butt Lift consultation with Dr. Tong by giving us a call at (647) 724-5406. No physician’s referral is needed. You can also let us give you a call; just fill out our contact form and we will call you on the same or the next business day.
Frequently Asked Questions About Brazilian Butt Lift
Where is fat harvested from for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Dr. Tong recommends a harvest from the flanks as a primary donor site. This allows creation of a better contrast between the waist and buttock, thus enhancing the overall look. Any other sites on the body may be used for harvest. It is important to obtain enough fat to achieve the best result, so more than one area may need to be harvested.
Will I have scars after my Brazilian Butt Lift?
There are a number of incisions made during the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, both to the harvest site(s) and to the buttocks. These incisions are very small, and Dr. Tong is careful to place them in areas where they will be minimally visible.
Harvest Site:
The incisions are typical Liposuction stab incisions. Each measures 2-3 mm in size, and there is one incision per side. The location depends on the area of harvest. In the flanks, there will be two incisions, located just below the bikini line on the left and right sides.
Injection Site:
There is generally one puncture incision per buttock side. More than one may be required – the number and location depends on which areas need augmentation. The puncture sites are usually the same ones used for flank harvest as described above, therefore if the flanks are used as the harvest site, no further injections incisions are usually required.
What kind of results can I expect from a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Following your Brazilian Butt Lift, you should notice buttocks that are perkier and more voluminous.
The Brazilian Butt Lift has some intrinsic limitations in terms of how much augmentation can be achieved. Dr. Tong counsels patients that a typical buttock augmentation typically achieves a moderate degree of improvement.
The factors that limit the degree of improvement are:
- How much fat is available to be transferred
- The amount of fat the buttock tissues can receive
- How much of the transferred fat survives
The variability in how much of the fat survives is what accounts for some inconsistency of the result. Sometimes, a patient may need to undergo more than one session of fat grafting in order to obtain their desired result.
What about Buttock Implants or Silicone Injections?
Silicone Buttock Implants
A frequently mentioned alternative for autologous fat buttock augmentation is the use of buttock implants. Due to the invasive nature and high frequency of complications, Dr. Tong does not currently perform buttock implant surgery.
Silicone Injections
Dr. Tong has seen a number of patients who have had free silicone injections to the buttocks, mostly performed by unlicensed individuals. The complications he has seen include buttock shape distortion, skin ulceration, hardness, and pain. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to remove silicone once it is injected. Dr. Tong does not recommend free silicone buttock injections.
Brazilian Butt Lift at a Glance
Patients are instructed not to sit or put pressure on the grafted areas during the initial 6 weeks
- Insufficient fat harvest for augmentation
- Augmentation placed too low on buttocks
- Injection into the muscle
1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What are buttock enhancement surgeries? Available: Accessed February 22, 2021.
2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What should I expect during my buttock enhancement recovery? Available: Accessed February 22, 2021.
Dr. Lawrence Tong has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.